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Adventures in coding from a QA Engineer’s perspective.

New skills are always good to have, and one such as coding is invaluable. Given the opportunity to learn and put Coded UI Testing(CUIT), C# and Selenium into my everyday work life, this blog is all about the things i find, learn, share with others. It provides me with a great place to remember things i’ve done, and also hopefully will become a resource to others who want to learn more about automated testing using C#.

Since i began learning C#, understanding how to write basic code has helped a lot with putting CUIT into practice. Instead of just having someone say “Do this”. I’ve been able to look at what i want to achieve and put it into practice in my own way, understanding the process each step of the way. This has led to troubleshooting problems i’ve encountered in my code to be a great deal simpler and more efficient. Along with being able to help others I work with and their CUIT projects.

Update: Since starting this blog, i’ve switched over to using Selenium rather than Coded UI Testing. The reason for this switch is simply because there was no demand for CUIT savvy testers. While I love CUIT, it’s usually not a viable option in the workplace, since it requires a big purchase in the form of Visual Studio to be able to use it. In my current job, this really wasn’t an option since the company I now work for is a small business and really cannot justify the cost of Visual Studio for everyone on the team (Developers and QA) in order for CUIT to be a viable option. So I changed over to Selenium and NUnit. This allowed me to create my framework and educate everyone else on the team on how to create tests using this framework that can then be run in NUnit.

Don’t just do.
Learn and Understand.

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Selenium for .Net using C# language

Adventures in Coding, gaming and other fun things in my life

Coded UI 101 - Understanding Coded UI Tests

Adventures in Coding, gaming and other fun things in my life