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My RPG Adventure Game Part 1

by on February 26, 2014

So I’ve decided I want to write some games in C# to see just how much I’ve learnt and find the areas I need to work on the most with coding.

Where to start? That’s my biggest hurdle. Initially I find myself just jumping in and coding things. Then I realise I’ve made some mistakes and need to rework some code and redesign things. Clearly this isn’t efficient and ends up with me scrapping the project and starting over.

So this time around I think I need to spend time discovering what things I need to do to design and layout my program before I put fingers to keyboard and start writing code. As with everything I do in C#, this is something I will learn myself and try to gather resources to learn from and understand the basics of design and then move on to more advanced design concepts, etc.

One thing I do know is I need to design class diagrams to work off of. That’s a big thing I don’t do right now. So I’m off to read more about how to lay those out on paper.

As I go through the process I will try to document the design side and share some of the pitfalls and solutions to my problems I discover along the way both in the design stage and coding stage

From → C#, Game Design

One Comment
  1. Good luck with your game. I am currently making a RPG and its very challenging but rewarding at the same time.

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